There are times when you want to send some uplifting and inspiring words to your missionary. Here is a list of talks from leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and BYU speeches that can be wonderful for you to share or read.
This talk is long but full of great information and truths! It talks about four types of missionaries, their characteristics and consequences of their actions. This would be great to read with your missionary before he or she leaves.
2. He will place you on His shoulders and carry you home by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Elder Uchtdorf talks about the lost sheep, giving inspiration to missionaries about finding the lost sheep or hope if they are feeling lost themselves.
3. Missionary Work and the Atonement by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
This talk teaches the central role of the Atonement in missionary work.
4. Bearing Witness of Jesus Christ in Word and Actions by Elder Adilson de Paula Parrella
This talk helps missionaries understand that their example is the best testimony of all.
5. Yagottawanna by Elder Jack W. Goaslind
Elder Goaslind talks about attitude in this Priesthood session talk from 1991.
6. The Divine Gift of Gratitude by President Thomas S. Monson
President Monson reminds us of the power of gratitude in shaping our perception. If your missionary is having a difficult time, this talk can help them refocus and find the good in their situation.
7. Adventures of the Spirit by Elder Robert E. Wells
This oldie-but-goodie was recommended by a mom on a missionary Facebook page. Elder Wells focuses on the adventure component of a mission!
8. The Miracle of a Mission by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (MTC Talk given in 2000)
This is such a sweet and lovingly given talk about the “101 things” Elder Holland wants missionaries to know.
9. Safely Gathered Home by Elder Quentin L. Cook
I love this talk about the importance of gathering Israel by Elder Cook.
10. Rise to Your Call by President Henry B. Eyring
President Eyring teaches us about receiving revelation to help in our callings.
11. “And Ye Shall Be Witnesses unto Me” by Alton S. Wade (BYU Speech from 2000)
This speech tells three amazing stories that testify that the Lord prepares a way for his word to reach all the ends of the earth.
12. God Will Do Something Unimaginable by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
This is a powerful talk about the children of God and Church being prepared for such a time as this.
13. The Character of Christ by Elder David A. Bednar (BYU-I Religious Symposium Speech)
This is a fantastic talk that will help missionaries understand the nature and character of Christ.
14. Abide in Me by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
I just love Elder Holland…in this talk he talks about how firmly attaching ourselves to Jesus Christ we can see the fruits of the gospel bloom.
15. Will you Engage in the Wrestle By Sister Sheri Dew (BYU-I Speech)
Sister Dew powerfully explains the importance of “engaging in the wrestle” by seeking answers to questions.
16. It is better to Look Up by Elder Carl B. Cook
Elder Cook speaks on looking to God when we are feeling overburdened. Perfect for a struggling missionary.
17. Reach Out and Climb by Dallin H. Oaks (Ensign/Liahona articles)
This article is about how nothing is impossible with God, but we have to do our own work!
18. Missionary Service Blessed my Life Forever by President M. Russell Ballard
This was one of the best and sweetest testimonies about serving a mission.
19. What is the Blueprint of Christ’s Church? By Tad R. Callister (CES Devotional for Young Adults)
This article will help missionaries better understand and contemplate the divine structure of the church.
20. Stand Forever by Lawrence E. Corbridge (BYU Speeches)
This is an amazing speech for deep thinking missionaries. It talks about the importance of answering the primary questions of the gospel.
21. Can you Hear the Music? By Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf (BYU Speeches
Elder Uchtdorf talks about being able to hear the Spirit.
22. Love, Share, Invite by Elder Gary E. Stevenson
This talk explains missionary work in such a simple and powerful way. Missionaries can learn so much from these concepts.
23. The Purifying Power of Gethsemane by Elder Bruce R. McConkie
This is a powerful talk about the Atonement that all missionaries should read.
24. Be 100% Responsible by Lynn G. Robbins (BYU Speech)
This would be another great one to read with your missionary before they leave. It helps highlight the ways we (consciously or subconsciously) shirk our duties and how to fix that.
25. Courage to Proclaim the Truth by Elder Denelson Silva
Elder Silva helps us understand that once we know the truth of the Gospel, we have an amazing opportunity to share it with the world through missionary work.
How to share talks with your missionary
Many missionaries might not be able to click on a link from their email, so one way you can share is by copying and pasting part or all of the talk into an email OR by sharing the name of the talk and speaker so that they can find it in the Gospel Library.
Be sure to share your thoughts on the talk as well and why you want to share it with them!
Another way to share inspirational quotes with your missionary
I absolutely LOVE quotes, and created a quote card set for missionaries full of amazing quotes. The quote card bundle includes one quote for every week of a two year mission (104!) and a wooden card stand. You can find it here in my Missionary Square Shop.
Key Takeaway
There are so many inspirational talks and speeches that can help lift a missionary when they need it.
Are there any talks you would add to the list? Please share with us in the comments!
Friday 12th of July 2024
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